Para resgatar um sorriso bonito ou simplesmente cuidar do seu cartão de visita, a Odontologia Estética oferece uma técnica temporária que corrige defeitos . Trata-se de uma alternativa não invasiva, de solução fácil e acessível, funcional e estética.
Trata-se de uma prótese removível de longa duração confeccionada em resina, que se diferencia por não exigir preparo dos dentes e nem cimento, uma vez que se apoia totalmente sobre os dentes remanescentes do paciente.
Entre os pacientes que são candidatos naturais à utilização da prótese estão aqueles com saúde geral comprometida, necessitando de cuidados especiais, idosos, com fobia de tratamento odontológico, necessitado de solução rápida e simples para fins determinados e com bruxismo.
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Antes/Before |
Neste caso da fotografia,terminamos a primeira etapa com a arcada superior.
Depois/After |
To rescue a beautiful smile or simply go about your business card, the Esthetic Dentistry offers a technique that temporarily corrects defects. This is an alternative non-invasive, easy and affordable solution, functional and aesthetic.
This is a removable prosthesis made of long-term resin, which differs by not requiring preparation of teeth and no cement, since it is based entirely on the patient's remaining teeth.
This is a removable prosthesis made of long-term resin, which differs by not requiring preparation of teeth and no cement, since it is based entirely on the patient's remaining teeth.
Snap-on Smile waiver traditional restorative procedures, surgery and anesthesia, requiring only two patient visits the clinic for its application. The prosthesis can be removed for easy cleaning.
Among patients who are natural candidates for use of the prosthesis are those with impaired general health, needing special care, elderly with dental phobia, in need of quick and easy solution for particular purposes and bruxism.
As a final comment, I think is a good quality product, indicated for specific cases, but in my view that we must be careful to indicate the treatment, because it remains a highly aesthetic treatment and that sometimes can leave the patient accustomed to going to the dentist to fix the problem quickly in a satisfactory manner, overlooking the true vocation of the dentist who is to restore masticatory function and to observe the mouth as a whole, in each case.
In this case showed,we just finished the first step,upper dental arch.
In this case showed,we just finished the first step,upper dental arch.